Dzień Języków Obcych

”The Day of Foreign Languages”

On the 9th of November the second and third grade students of our school organised the event which is called  ”Foreign Languages Day”.  This annual happening has been celebrated  for a long time. Its main goal is to acquaint one another with the culture of the countries presented in a given year.

At the beginning all the classes were presenting a short scene or a story about the chosen country. Students’ task was to present some intriguing facts about its history, customs, traditions, food or just some trivia. That’s why, you could see people dressed up like ancient Greeks, Vikings, French models or even shake hands with an Irish leprechaun.

After all the countries were shown we could go around the stalls and taste the meals prepared by our colleagues. There were even chocolate ice-cream and colourful jellies in plastic cups.

I hope that you all enjoyed the three-hour trip to Greece, Ireland, Denmark, France, Spain, Italy and many, many more.

Joanna Szewczyk 1a

Posted in Akademicki Profil Ekonomiczno-Językowy, Informacje, Patronacka Klasa Medyczno-Psychologiczna, Patronacka Klasa Prawniczo-Medialna, Patronacki Profil Politechniczny.