Przedstawiamy krótki film, dokumentujący próbę przed spektaklem „Sweven”, który odbył się dwukrotnie 17 kwietnia 2023 r. w należącej do Estrady Poznańskiej „Scenie Na Piętrze”. Wydarzenie to było częścią Międzynarodowego Tygodnia Kultury podczas spotkania uczniów XXXVIII Dwujęzycznego Liceum Ogólnokształcącego im. Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego w Poznaniu z młodzieżą i delegacjami z trzech krajów – Węgier, Włoch i Gruzji. Zdajemy sobie sprawę, że zapis próby nie odda atmosfery, która miała miejsce podczas obu przedstawień z publicznością. Niech owacje i gromkie brawa, które słychać na końcu, będą dowodem na to, że praca naszych artystów została bardzo dobrze przyjęta przez międzynarodową widownię. 

Part I

Jane Taylor                        
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.”

“My Body is a Cage” Arcade Fire (org. Peter Gabriel)

William Blake

”To see a World in a grain of Sand

And Heaven in a wild flower

Hold infinity in the palm of your hand

And eternity in an hour

Every Night and every Morn

Some to Misery are Born.

Every Morn and every Night

Some are Born to sweet delight.

Some are Born to sweet delight,

Some are Born to Endless Night.”

“All is Soft Inside” Aurora

Amanda S. Asencio

"the moon is drunk

and the stars intoxicated,

with the sins of the sun,

and the sadness of the sky,

shifts, blurs from the earth,

and you stare,

and wonder why the universe,

never loved you back."

“Zombie” The Cranberries

Part II

Emily Bronte         

“Wuthering Heights” – selected fragment.

“Another Love” Tom Odell

Tennessee Williams

“We have not long to love, 

Light does not stay.

 […] We have not long to love,

A night, a day…”

“Ode To A Love Lost” Finn Ronsdorf

Part III

Charles Bukowski 

Do you remember who you were, 

before the world told you who you should be?”

“Green & Gold” Lianne La Havas

Sylvia Plath 

„I am afraid of getting older. I am afraid of getting married. Spare me from cooking three meals a day - spare me from the relentless cage of routine and rote.  I want to be free - free to know people and their backgrounds - free to move to different parts of the world so I may learn that there are other morals and standards besides my own. I want, I think to be omniscient…”

“When We Were Young” Adele

“Getting Older” Billie Eilish

Part IV

Erin Hanson

“Maybe each life is just an echo

Of the ones that came before,

Bouncing off the things they learnt

To land on something more.

Maybe it’s never ending

And our sound just travels on,

With distance it gets quiet

But is never truly gone.

Maybe we’ll find peace in silence

When our time comes to be still.

And know our voice can’t last forever,

But the truth it carries will.”

“Fourth of July” Sufjan Stevens

“Knocking on Heaven’s Door” Bob Dylan

Aurora Aksnes 
You fell apart
Like a stone can be broken into sand
A thousand pieces
Spread across a crying land  […]                                               
Don't you speak over my voice
I will return from the shadows
And I'll bleed in your bed
Turn it red
Like the ground outside your window
Love is wild                                        

“Churchyard” Aurora

Jane Taylor                                
As your bright and tiny spark,
Lights the traveller in the dark.
Though I know not what you are,
Twinkle, twinkle, little star.”

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